positive change
in the lives of the
in your family
and program

You love the child in front of you, but these days, instead of a loving, respectful relationship with an otherwise sweet-natured child, you're encountering more and more discipline problems. Maybe she's fighting with others, demanding her way, refusing to listen or obey, bullying others, or being bullied, and now your home—or your classroom—is no longer a peaceful haven where all can enjoy interacting.
We understand! For three decades, we've guided parents and teachers through a process that brings immediate results: happier children, more effective (and happier) parents, and classrooms with more teaching time and positive learning climates.
Please feel free to explore this website, where you'll find that nationally acclaimed early childhood specialist and Conscious Discipline® Certified Instructor Jessica Shields Flowers, founder of Ripple, offers practical information about:
- Why Conscious Disipline® is so effective
- Parenting workshops you can attend
- What you can expect from one-on-one parent coaching
- How Conscious Disipline® works in a classroom setting
Immediate results
As a Conscious Discipline® Certified Instructor, Ripple's Jessica Shields Flowers works with parents, teachers, child care managers, and preschool administrators to quickly bring order, respect, and love back to families and classrooms.
She'll partner with you to achieve the same goals, whether you'd like one-on-one parent coaching or whether you'd prefer to learn in a workshop setting.
See Jessica Shields Flowers at work! View a video about Ripple's Conscious Discipline® work with Second Presbyterian Kindergarten here.
Does it work?
Conscious Discipline®, a highly effective program for both children and adults, is based on the latest in brain research and was developed by the renowned author, teacher, and educational and development psychology expert Dr. Becky Bailey. The results are eye-opening: besides decreasing impulsiveness and hyperactivity even in the most challenging children, Conscious Discipline® has been proven to reduce aggression by 64% while increasing reading scores by 18%.
Stop putting up with obedience problems.
If you'd like to bring authentic joy and respect to your family or your classroom, you've come to the right place! Our goal is to immediately create a positive ripple effect for the young children in your care—and for you.
Contact Ripple today to start seeing immediate results!
Conscious Discipline® is a registered trademark of Loving Guidance™ Inc., (800) 842-2846.
Lowcountry (the museum's Doo Dash dragon is shown at left) at 10 AM the first Wednesday of each month. FREE for children age 0 to 3 years & their grown-ups. Learn more in this video!