positive change
in the lives of the
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To see Ripple or Conscious Discipline® in the news, click on any link below:
Center For Women Member Profile: Jessica Shields Flowers, M.Ed.
c4women.com, June 22, 2011
Local Early Childhood Expert to Create a Ripple Effect of Learning in Three Lowcountry Counties
LowcountryBizSC.com, June 5, 2011
How to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns
ABC News Lowcountry Live, December 9, 2010
Disciplining Children: The Hot Sauce Mom vs. Conscious Discipline®
ABC News Lowcountry Live, December 9, 2010
Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline named a "best parenting book"
Viewpoints, July 15, 2010
Interview with Dr. Becky Bailey
Your Teen, May 27, 2010
Radio Interview with Dr. Becky Bailey
Leading Edge Parenting, April 14, 2010
New Way to Get Info You Need: Preschool/Child Care
The Post and Courier, January 6, 2009
MP Recreation Department to Offer New Parenting Programs
The Moultrie News, December 31, 2008
Ease the Ouch
Womans Day Australia, October 6, 2008
The Ripple Effect Has Launched in the Lowcountry
The Moultrie News, October 1, 2008
On the Move
Charleston Regional Business Journal, September 23, 2008
New Business
Charleston Regional Business Journal, September 15, 2008
The Ripple Effect
WCSC Live 5 News (CBS), September 8, 2008
Dr. Becky Bailey's Video: Should You Let Your Baby Cry Himself Out?
YouTube, September 8, 2008
Ripple Supports Early Education
The Post and Courier, August 22, 2008
Dr. Becky Bailey's Video: Noticing: Conscious Discipline®
YouTube, June 30, 2008
Dr. Becky Bailey's Video: Connection and I Love You Rituals: Conscious Discipline®
YouTube, June 30, 2008
Dr. Becky Bailey's Video: Conscious Discipline® Basics
YouTube, January 4, 2008
Dr. Becky Bailey's Video: Composure: Conscious Discipline®
YouTube, January 4, 2008
Video Interview with Dr. Becky Bailey
The Connection, February 20, 2007
Kindness Counts by Dr. Becky Bailey
Parent & Child, November 2006
Gentle Discipline Tips
Web MD, March 27, 2000
Conscious Discipline® is a registered trademark of Loving Guidance™ Inc., (800) 842-2846.
of of Conscious Discipline® to life... co-hosted by Conscious Connections.